Monday, June 14, 2010

Where did I go?

Life has been hectic for me. I finally finished the Foundation classes at my church for Ministry.
I loved everyone of them but I have to admit my favorite so far has been "Fresh Start". It's a mandatory class at the Rock for membership. Wow! I made it through Membership. That was just the start and why I have been neglecting the blog. I got caught up in actually learning and doing. As Pastor Mike says "Get on your feet or you'll lose your seat".

The other courses Share, Shape, Habits for Life and upcoming Lifestyles are excellent. I feel like I am learning again. Before the classes , my religious and spiritual growth had been like the pond cut off from a fresh water source (stagnant) with me being a lone tadpole. And now, what an awesome change in the pond as fresh water enters it and the miracles of all the life and community add their lovely differences. I can not thank Pastor Mike J. enough for the awakening and educational experiences.

Once you get caught up with the Lord, the church and the needs of the community, wow wow wow! I feel like the luckiest person in the world. I am a minister of the Rock now and am expected by my own reasoning to reach out to spread my wings. Pastor Matt asked me to become the Needs Minister of the Church which is honorable in my own mind. It does mean
that I have set certain expectations of my spiritual growth, becoming more than just a title and an actual asset to my church and community. Hope that makes sense to you because I've taken the commitment seriously.

Yet my favorite phrase is "God is a wonderful, loving man with a great sense of humor". I know he has that because he makes me laugh more than I have ever have before. Besides, how could he not be perfect in his laughter as he is in creations!

So here's some idea of what I have been doing. Hope someone can use them as inspiration as they get me dancing in the morning and end my days with a directed sense of doing the best with what gifts I have been given. Here's some ideas of things you can do that inspired me:
  • Ministry projects with the Books For Prisoners project (develop one, give books , visit prisoners or just help with donation drives of books and bibles for any local jail or prisons)
  • Going to school again ( Any class that motivates you and stretches your brain)
  • Volunteer to do some painted vases for a local mission
  • Do something with evangelism
  • Grow flowers and veggies for a community garden or homeless shelter
  • Write a very new devotional based on your own art, photos or words
  • Donate a Kids Craft Blog for your church
  • Do digital art or crafts for spiritual gifting
  • Become a Prayer warrior
  • Reach out to new local ministers and ask if they could use a hand anywhere
  • Assist the large extended family of your church family and family (look for needs and assist)
  • Learn to bake (donate the goods to the church or shelters)
  • Check on your elderly neighbors a few times a week
  • Make a new friend
  • Invite people to your church
  • Start a new journal
  • Read a different version of the Bible to get different perspectives
  • Do one Random Act of Kindness daily
  • Build a website with encouraging spiritual, positive information
  • Encourage others to follow their dreams or spiritual direction
  • Practice becoming adept at Spiritual Warfare (The Good guys should always win)
  • Teach a course on something you know or enjoy for Free to friends, community or church
  • Read the Dictionary (Surprisingly, you will expand your vocabulary and spelling) no matter what education level or age you are
  • Write an article for Wilkipedia on something you feel comfortable with
  • Volunteer to write for Open Source projects
  • Sing *With the radio, around people, in church, anywhere* Singing strengthens the vocal cords and lessens the probability of sleep apnea or effects of apnea so just SING!
This is certainly not all you can do but it's a list that assisted me in getting my spiritual chit-chat right with myself. Hope it helps you or someone you love.

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